After successfully installing Automad, there is only one registered user. You can change the account information such as the username, email address and the password in the Users tab. Here you can also add, remove or invite other users to collaborate with you on your site.
Email Settings
Please note that in order to invite users by email or to reset passwords, the webserver has to be able to send emails using PHP's built-in mail()
function. In most cases, your shared hosting provider takes care of such configuration and everything should work out of the box. However, on local machines there is a big chance that Automad won't be able to send emails until you configure your server accordingly.
Command Line
In case you forgot your password and want to reset it using the CLI or you want to install Automad by a script, it is also possible to create user accounts with the console. To create a new account, run the following command in Automad's installation directory:
php automad/console createuser